Oxford Scenarios Planning


What is the purpose of the Oxford Scenarios Programme, and what unique value does it offer participants?

The Oxford Scenarios Programme shows participants how to build and use scenarios and progress purposeful and effective scenario planning within their organisations. We want to help our participants improve the way their organisations approach strategy and planning – to reveal and test the assumptions they and others bring in considering their future.

In the programme, participants will learn to design and facilitate processes that make their organisations less vulnerable, see and discuss critical changes in their wider context, and be more prepared to identify risks and seize new opportunities.  They will be better prepared to make fewer strategic mistakes, and learn more from those that will inevitably be made.

The programme is taught by recognised leaders in scenario planning, who between us, have over a century of hands-on scenario planning experience at a strategic level in government, business, and civil society organisations.

Participants who are accepted to this programme will gain first-hand experience of building and using scenarios for organisations, and will be entrusted with sensitive commercial information, enabling them to hone their skills and practise scenarios in a realistic, yet safe environment.




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